GitHub project
Qalculate! downloads

(!) Note that even though most planned features are in place and I personally find it highly stable and reliable in everyday use, Qalculate! definitely needs more testing and no guarantees whatsoever are given. With that said, you are welcome to download the latest version of Qalculate! and report any bugs you find.

Windows binaries:
Includes both graphical user interfaces and CLI, and all dependencies. Requires Windows 10 (1809), or later.

The portable file can be unpacked and run without further installation. No application data are read or written outside of the unpacked directory.

Qalculate! can also be installed using the Windows Package Manager ("winget install qalculate").

32-bit binaries with support for Windows 7 without the new Qt UI can be downloaded from the project page.

Linux binaries:
Flatpak packages are available at Flathub (Qt UI and GTK UI).
Click the above links or use the command "flatpak install flathub io.github.Qalculate.qalculate-qt" (Qt UI) or "flatpak install flathub io.github.Qalculate" (GTK UI).

Snap packages, with all dependencies included, are available at (Qt UI) and (GTK UI).
Use the above links or install with the command "sudo snap install qalculate" or "sudo snap install qalculate-qt".

Self-contained binaries (GTK UI): qalculate-5.5.2-x86_64.tar.xz
Extract and run from anywhere on most GNU/Linux distributions. Does not include any languages other than English.

Most distributions for Linux provide packages (which may or may not be outdated) for Qalculate!, and all its dependencies, which you can install using the distribution's standard installers.

Mac OS binaries:

Source code:
Library requirements:
Graphical user interface requirements:
Text interface requirements:

Old versions can be found at the project page for libqalculate and qalculate-gtk. Ancient versions are available at the old project page at

External applications using libqalculate (realibility and security has not been evaluted):

Qalculator web app (also available as an app for Android, iOS, and Windows)

Qalculate! KDE Plasma widget

Qalculate for Android
