This is the complete list of members for MathStructure, including all inherited members.
add(const MathStructure &o, MathOperation op, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
add(const MathStructure &o, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
add(const Number &o, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
add(int i, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
add(Variable *v, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
add(Unit *u, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
add(std::string sym, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
add_nocopy(MathStructure *o, MathOperation op, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
add_nocopy(MathStructure *o, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
addChild(const MathStructure &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
addChild_nocopy(MathStructure *o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
addColumn(const MathStructure &mfill) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
addColumns(size_t c, const MathStructure &mfill) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
addRow(const MathStructure &mfill) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
addRows(size_t r, const MathStructure &mfill) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
adjointMatrix(const EvaluationOptions &eo) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
b_approx (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
b_parentheses (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
b_plural (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
b_protected (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
base() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
base() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateAdd(const MathStructure &madd, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateAddIndex(size_t index, const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_size=true, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateAddLast(const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_size=true, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateBitwiseAnd(const MathStructure &mand, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateBitwiseAndIndex(size_t index, const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_size=true, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateBitwiseAndLast(const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_size=true, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateBitwiseNot(const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateBitwiseOr(const MathStructure &mor, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateBitwiseOrIndex(size_t index, const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_size=true, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateBitwiseOrLast(const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_size=true, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateBitwiseXor(const MathStructure &mxor, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateBitwiseXorIndex(size_t index, const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_size=true, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateBitwiseXorLast(const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_size=true, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateDivide(const MathStructure &mdiv, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateFunctions(const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool recursive, bool do_unformat, size_t depth) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
calculateFunctions(const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool recursive=true, bool do_unformat=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateInverse(const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateLimit(const MathStructure &x_var, const MathStructure &limit, const EvaluationOptions &eo_pre, int approach_direction=0) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateLogicalAnd(const MathStructure &mand, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateLogicalAndIndex(size_t index, const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_size=true, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateLogicalAndLast(const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_size=true, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateLogicalNot(const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateLogicalOr(const MathStructure &mor, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateLogicalOrIndex(size_t index, const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_size=true, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateLogicalOrLast(const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_size=true, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateLogicalXor(const MathStructure &mxor, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateLogicalXorLast(const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateMergeIndex(size_t index, const EvaluationOptions &eo, const EvaluationOptions &feo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateMultiply(const MathStructure &mmul, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateMultiplyIndex(size_t index, const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_size=true, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateMultiplyLast(const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_size=true, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateNegate(const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateRaise(const MathStructure &mexp, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateRaiseExponent(const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateReplace(const MathStructure &mfrom, const MathStructure &mto, const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool exclude_function_arguments=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculatesub(const EvaluationOptions &eo, const EvaluationOptions &feo, bool recursive=true, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
calculateSubtract(const MathStructure &msub, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
childrenUpdated(bool recursive=false) | MathStructure | |
childToFront(size_t index) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
childUpdated(size_t index, bool recursive=false) | MathStructure | |
clear(bool preserve_precision=false) | MathStructure | |
clearMatrix(bool preserve_precision=false) | MathStructure | |
clearVector(bool preserve_precision=false) | MathStructure | |
coefficient(const MathStructure &xvar, const Number &pownr, MathStructure &mcoeff) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
cofactor(size_t r, size_t c, MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
columns() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
columnToVector(size_t c, MathStructure &mstruct) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
compare(const MathStructure &o) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
compareApproximately(const MathStructure &o, const EvaluationOptions &eo=default_evaluation_options) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
comparisonType() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
complexToCisForm(const EvaluationOptions &eo) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
complexToExponentialForm(const EvaluationOptions &eo) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
complexToPolarForm(const EvaluationOptions &eo) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
contains(const MathStructure &mstruct, bool structural_only=true, bool check_variables=false, bool check_functions=false, bool loose_equals=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
containsAdditionPower() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
containsDivision() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
containsFunction(MathFunction *f, bool structural_only=true, bool check_variables=false, bool check_functions=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
containsFunctionId(int id, bool structural_only=true, bool check_variables=false, bool check_functions=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
containsInfinity(bool structural_only=true, bool check_variables=false, bool check_functions=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
containsInterval(bool structural_only=true, bool check_variables=false, bool check_functions=false, int ignore_high_precision_interval=0, bool include_interval_function=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
containsOpaqueContents() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
containsRepresentativeOf(const MathStructure &mstruct, bool check_variables=false, bool check_functions=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
containsRepresentativeOfType(StructureType mtype, bool check_variables=false, bool check_functions=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
containsType(StructureType mtype, bool structural_only=true, bool check_variables=false, bool check_functions=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
containsUnknowns() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
convert(Unit *u, bool convert_nonlinear_relations=false, bool *found_nonlinear_relations=NULL, bool calculate_new_functions=false, const EvaluationOptions &feo=default_evaluation_options, Prefix *new_prefix=NULL) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
convert(const MathStructure unit_mstruct, bool convert_nonlinear_relations=false, bool *found_nonlinear_relations=NULL, bool calculate_new_functions=false, const EvaluationOptions &feo=default_evaluation_options) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
convertToBaseUnits(bool convert_nonlinear_relations=false, bool *found_nonlinear_relations=NULL, bool calculate_new_functions=false, const EvaluationOptions &feo=default_evaluation_options, bool avoid_approximate_variables=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
countChildren() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
countFunctions(bool count_subfunctions=true) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
countOccurrences(const MathStructure &mstruct) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
countOccurrences(const MathStructure &mstruct, bool check_variables) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
countTotalChildren(bool count_function_as_one=true) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
ct_comp (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
datetime() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
datetime() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
decomposeFractions(const MathStructure &x_var, const EvaluationOptions &eo) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
degree(const MathStructure &xvar) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
delChild(size_t index, bool check_size=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
determinant(MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
differentiate(const MathStructure &x_var, const EvaluationOptions &eo) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
dissolveAllCompositeUnits() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
divide(const MathStructure &o, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
divide(const Number &o, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
divide(int i, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
divide(Variable *v, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
divide(Unit *u, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
divide(std::string sym, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
divide_nocopy(MathStructure *o, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
equals(const MathStructure &o, bool allow_interval=false, bool allow_infinity=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
equals(const Number &o, bool allow_interval=false, bool allow_infinity=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
equals(int i) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
equals(Unit *u) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
equals(Variable *v) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
equals(std::string sym) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
eval(const EvaluationOptions &eo=default_evaluation_options) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
evalSort(bool recursive=false, bool absolute=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
expand(const EvaluationOptions &eo=default_evaluation_options, bool unfactorize=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
expandPartialFractions(const EvaluationOptions &eo) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
exponent() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
exponent() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
factorize(const EvaluationOptions &eo=default_evaluation_options, bool unfactorize=true, int term_combination_levels=0, int max_msecs=1000, bool only_integers=true, int recursive=1, struct timeval *endtime_p=NULL, const MathStructure &force_factorization=m_undefined, bool complete_square=false, bool only_sqrfree=false, int max_degree_factor=-1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
factorizeUnits() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
find_x_var() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
findAllUnknowns(MathStructure &unknowns_vector) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
flattenVector(MathStructure &mstruct) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
flipVector() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
format(const PrintOptions &po=default_print_options) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
formatsub(const PrintOptions &po=default_print_options, MathStructure *parent=NULL, size_t pindex=0, bool recursive=true, MathStructure *top_parent=NULL) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
function() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
function_value (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
functionValue() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
gaussianElimination(const EvaluationOptions &eo=default_evaluation_options, bool det=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
gcd(const MathStructure &m1, const MathStructure &m2, MathStructure &mresult, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *ca=NULL, MathStructure *cb=NULL, bool check_args=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | static |
generateVector(MathStructure x_mstruct, const MathStructure &min, const MathStructure &max, int steps, MathStructure *x_vector=NULL, const EvaluationOptions &eo=default_evaluation_options) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
generateVector(MathStructure x_mstruct, const MathStructure &min, const MathStructure &max, const MathStructure &step, MathStructure *x_vector=NULL, const EvaluationOptions &eo=default_evaluation_options) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
generateVector(MathStructure x_mstruct, const MathStructure &x_vector, const EvaluationOptions &eo=default_evaluation_options) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
getArea(size_t r1, size_t c1, size_t r2, size_t c2, MathStructure &mstruct) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
getChild(size_t index) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
getChild(size_t index) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
getElement(size_t row, size_t column) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
getElement(size_t row, size_t column) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
getIdentityMatrix(MathStructure &mstruct) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
getRange(int start, int end, MathStructure &mstruct) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
hasNegativeSign() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
i_precision (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
i_ref (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
improve_division_multipliers(const PrintOptions &po=default_print_options, MathStructure *parent=NULL) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
init() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
inParentheses() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
insertChild(const MathStructure &o, size_t index) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
insertChild_nocopy(MathStructure *o, size_t index) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
integerFactorize() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
integrate(const MathStructure &lower_limit, const MathStructure &upper_limit, const MathStructure &x_var_pre, const EvaluationOptions &eo=default_evaluation_options, bool force_numerical=false, bool simplify_first=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
integrate(const MathStructure &x_var, const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool simplify_first=true, int use_abs=1, bool definite_integral=false, bool try_abs=true, int max_part_depth=5, std::vector< MathStructure * > *parent_parts=NULL) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
inverse() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
invertMatrix(const EvaluationOptions &eo) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isAborted() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isAddition() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isApproximate() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isApproximatelyZero() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isBitwiseAnd() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isBitwiseNot() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isBitwiseOr() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isBitwiseXor() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isComparison() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isDateTime() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isDivision() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isEmptySymbol() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isFunction() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isInfinite(bool ignore_imag=true) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isInfinity() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isInteger() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isInverse() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isLogicalAnd() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isLogicalNot() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isLogicalOr() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isLogicalXor() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isMatrix() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isMinusOne() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isMultiplication() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isNegate() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isNumber() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isNumber_exp() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isNumericMatrix() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isolate_x(const EvaluationOptions &eo, const EvaluationOptions &feo, const MathStructure &x_var, bool check_result, size_t depth) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
isolate_x(const EvaluationOptions &eo, const MathStructure &x_var=m_undefined, bool check_result=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isolate_x(const EvaluationOptions &eo, const EvaluationOptions &feo, const MathStructure &x_var=m_undefined, bool check_result=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isolate_x_sub(const EvaluationOptions &eo, EvaluationOptions &eo2, const MathStructure &x_var, MathStructure *morig=NULL) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
isolate_x_sub(const EvaluationOptions &eo, EvaluationOptions &eo2, const MathStructure &x_var, MathStructure *morig, size_t depth) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
isOne() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isPlural() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isPower() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isProtected() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isRationalPolynomial(bool allow_non_rational_coefficient=false, bool allow_interval_coefficient=false) const | MathStructure | |
isSymbolic() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isUndefined() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isUnit() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isUnit_exp() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isUnitCompatible(const MathStructure &mstruct) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isUnknown() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isUnknown_exp() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isVariable() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isVector() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
isZero() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
last() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
last() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
lcm(const MathStructure &m1, const MathStructure &m2, MathStructure &mlcm, const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_args=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | static |
lcoefficient(const MathStructure &xvar, MathStructure &mcoeff) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
ldegree(const MathStructure &xvar) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
m_type (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
MathStructure() | MathStructure | |
MathStructure(const MathStructure &o) | MathStructure | |
MathStructure(int num, int den=1, int exp10=0) | MathStructure | |
MathStructure(long int num, long int den, long int exp10=0L) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
MathStructure(std::string sym, bool force_symbol=false) | MathStructure | |
MathStructure(const QalculateDateTime &o_dt) | MathStructure | |
MathStructure(double float_value) | MathStructure | |
MathStructure(const MathStructure *o,...) | MathStructure | |
MathStructure(MathFunction *o,...) | MathStructure | |
MathStructure(Unit *u, Prefix *p=NULL) | MathStructure | |
MathStructure(Variable *o) | MathStructure | |
MathStructure(const Number &o) | MathStructure | |
matrixIsSquare() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
matrixToVector(MathStructure &mstruct) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
maxCoefficient() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
merge_addition(MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1, size_t index_that=2, bool reversed=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
merge_bitwise_and(MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1, size_t index_that=2, bool reversed=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
merge_bitwise_or(MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1, size_t index_that=2, bool reversed=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
merge_bitwise_xor(MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1, size_t index_that=2, bool reversed=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
merge_logical_and(MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1, size_t index_that=2, bool reversed=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
merge_logical_or(MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1, size_t index_that=2, bool reversed=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
merge_logical_xor(MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1, size_t index_that=2, bool reversed=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
merge_multiplication(MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1, size_t index_that=2, bool reversed=false, bool do_append=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
merge_power(MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1, size_t index_that=2, bool reversed=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
mergeInterval(const MathStructure &o, bool set_to_overlap=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
mergePrecision(const MathStructure &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
mergePrecision(bool approx, int prec) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
multiply(const MathStructure &o, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
multiply(const Number &o, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
multiply(int i, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
multiply(Variable *v, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
multiply(Unit *u, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
multiply(std::string sym, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
multiply_nocopy(MathStructure *o, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
neededMultiplicationSign(const PrintOptions &po, const InternalPrintStruct &ips, const MathStructure &parent, size_t index, bool par, bool par_prev, bool flat_division=true, bool flat_power=true) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
needsParenthesis(const PrintOptions &po, const InternalPrintStruct &ips, const MathStructure &parent, size_t index, bool flat_division=true, bool flat_power=true) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
negate() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
number() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
number() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
numberUpdated() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
o_datetime (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
o_function (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
o_number (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
o_prefix (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
o_unit (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
o_variable (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
operator!() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator!=(const MathStructure &o) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator&&(const MathStructure &o) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator*(const MathStructure &o) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator*=(const MathStructure &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator*=(const Number &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator*=(int i) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator*=(Unit *u) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator*=(Variable *v) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator*=(std::string sym) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator+(const MathStructure &o) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator+=(const MathStructure &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator+=(const Number &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator+=(int i) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator+=(Unit *u) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator+=(Variable *v) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator+=(std::string sym) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator-() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator-(const MathStructure &o) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator-=(const MathStructure &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator-=(const Number &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator-=(int i) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator-=(Unit *u) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator-=(Variable *v) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator-=(std::string sym) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator/(const MathStructure &o) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator/=(const MathStructure &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator/=(const Number &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator/=(int i) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator/=(Unit *u) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator/=(Variable *v) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator/=(std::string sym) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator=(const MathStructure &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator=(const Number &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator=(int i) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator=(Unit *u) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator=(Variable *v) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator=(std::string sym) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator==(const MathStructure &o) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator==(const Number &o) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator==(int i) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator==(Unit *u) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator==(Variable *v) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator==(std::string sym) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator[](size_t index) | MathStructure | |
operator[](size_t index) const | MathStructure | |
operator^(const MathStructure &o) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator^=(const MathStructure &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator^=(const Number &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator^=(int i) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator^=(Unit *u) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator^=(Variable *v) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator^=(std::string sym) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
operator||(const MathStructure &o) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
overallCoefficient() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
permanent(MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
pivot(size_t ro, size_t co, bool symbolic=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
polynomialContent(const MathStructure &xvar, MathStructure &mcontent, const EvaluationOptions &eo) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
polynomialDivide(const MathStructure &mnum, const MathStructure &mden, MathStructure &mquotient, const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_args=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | static |
polynomialPrimpart(const MathStructure &xvar, MathStructure &mprim, const EvaluationOptions &eo) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
polynomialPrimpart(const MathStructure &xvar, const MathStructure &c, MathStructure &mprim, const EvaluationOptions &eo) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
polynomialQuotient(const MathStructure &mnum, const MathStructure &mden, const MathStructure &xvar, MathStructure &mquotient, const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool check_args=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | static |
polynomialUnit(const MathStructure &xvar) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
polynomialUnitContentPrimpart(const MathStructure &xvar, int &munit, MathStructure &mcontent, MathStructure &mprim, const EvaluationOptions &eo) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
postFormatUnits(const PrintOptions &po=default_print_options, MathStructure *parent=NULL, size_t pindex=0) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
precision() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
prefix() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
prefixCurrencies(const PrintOptions &po=default_print_options) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
print(const PrintOptions &po=default_print_options, const InternalPrintStruct &ips=top_ips) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
print(const PrintOptions &po, bool format, int colorize=0, int tagtype=TAG_TYPE_HTML, const InternalPrintStruct &ips=top_ips) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
priv (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
raise(const MathStructure &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
raise(const Number &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
raise(int i) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
raise(Variable *v) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
raise(Unit *u) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
raise(std::string sym) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
raise_nocopy(MathStructure *o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
rankVector(bool ascending=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
ref() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
refcount() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
removeDefaultAngleUnit(const EvaluationOptions &eo=default_evaluation_options) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
removeType(StructureType mtype) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
replace(const MathStructure &mfrom, const MathStructure &mto, bool once_only=false, bool exclude_function_arguments=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
replace(const MathStructure &mfrom, const MathStructure &mto, bool once_only, bool exclude_function_arguments, bool replace_in_variables) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
replace(Variable *v, const MathStructure &mto) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
replace(const MathStructure &mfrom1, const MathStructure &mto1, const MathStructure &mfrom2, const MathStructure &mto2) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsApproximatelyZero(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsBoolean() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsComplex(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsEven(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsFinite(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsFraction(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsInteger(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsNegative(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsNonComplex(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsNonInteger(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsNonMatrix() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsNonNegative(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsNonPositive(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsNonZero(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsNumber(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsOdd(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsPositive(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsRational(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsReal(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsScalar() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsUndefined(bool include_children=false, bool include_infinite=false, bool be_strict=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
representsZero(bool allow_units=false) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
resizeMatrix(size_t r, size_t c, const MathStructure &mfill) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
resizeVector(size_t i, const MathStructure &mfill) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
rows() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
rowToVector(size_t r, MathStructure &mstruct) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
s_sym (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
set(const MathStructure &o, bool merge_precision=false) | MathStructure | |
set(int num, int den=1, int exp10=0, bool preserve_precision=false) | MathStructure | |
set(long int num, long int den, long int exp10=0L, bool preserve_precision=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
set(std::string sym, bool preserve_precision=false, bool force_symbol=false) | MathStructure | |
set(const QalculateDateTime &o_dt, bool preserve_precision=false) | MathStructure | |
set(double float_value, bool preserve_precision=false) | MathStructure | |
set(MathFunction *o,...) | MathStructure | |
set(Unit *u, Prefix *p=NULL, bool preserve_precision=false) | MathStructure | |
set(Variable *o, bool preserve_precision=false) | MathStructure | |
set(const Number &o, bool preserve_precision=false) | MathStructure | |
set_nocopy(MathStructure &o, bool merge_precision=false) | MathStructure | |
setAborted(bool preserve_precision=false) | MathStructure | |
setApproximate(bool is_approx=true, bool recursive=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setBitwiseNot() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setChild(const MathStructure &o, size_t index=1, bool merge_precision=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setChild_nocopy(MathStructure *o, size_t index=1, bool merge_precision=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setComparisonType(ComparisonType comparison_type) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setElement(const MathStructure &mstruct, size_t row, size_t column) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setFunction(MathFunction *f) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setFunctionId(int id) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setInParentheses(bool b=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setLogicalNot() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setPlural(bool is_plural) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setPrecision(int prec, bool recursive=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setPrefix(Prefix *p) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setPrefixes(const PrintOptions &po=default_print_options, MathStructure *parent=NULL, size_t pindex=0) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setPrefixForUnit(Unit *u, Prefix *new_prefix) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setProtected(bool do_protect=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setToChild(size_t index, bool merge_precision=false, MathStructure *mparent=NULL, size_t index_this=1) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setToIdentityMatrix(size_t n) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setType(StructureType mtype) | MathStructure | |
setUndefined(bool preserve_precision=false) | MathStructure | |
setUnit(Unit *u) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setVariable(Variable *v) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
setVector(const MathStructure *o,...) | MathStructure | |
simplify(const EvaluationOptions &eo=default_evaluation_options, bool unfactorize=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
size() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
sort(const PrintOptions &po=default_print_options, bool recursive=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
sortVector(bool ascending=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
structure(StructuringMode structuring, const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool restore_first=true) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
subtract(const MathStructure &o, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
subtract(const Number &o, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
subtract(int i, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
subtract(Variable *v, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
subtract(Unit *u, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
subtract(std::string sym, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
subtract_nocopy(MathStructure *o, bool append=false) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
swapChildren(size_t index1, size_t index2) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
symbol() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
syncUnits(bool sync_nonlinear_relations=false, bool *found_nonlinear_relations=NULL, bool calculate_new_functions=false, const EvaluationOptions &feo=default_evaluation_options) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
tcoefficient(const MathStructure &xvar, MathStructure &mcoeff) const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
testCompositeUnit(Unit *u) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
testDissolveCompositeUnit(Unit *u) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
transform(StructureType mtype, const MathStructure &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
transform(StructureType mtype, const Number &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
transform(StructureType mtype, int i) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
transform(StructureType mtype, Unit *u) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
transform(StructureType mtype, Variable *v) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
transform(StructureType mtype, std::string sym) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
transform(StructureType mtype) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
transform(MathFunction *o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
transform(ComparisonType ctype, const MathStructure &o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
transform_nocopy(StructureType mtype, MathStructure *o) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
transformById(int id) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
transposeMatrix() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
type() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
unformat(const EvaluationOptions &eo=default_evaluation_options) (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
unit() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
unit_exp_prefix() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
unit_exp_unit() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
unref() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
v_order (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
v_subs (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | protected |
variable() const (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure | |
~MathStructure() (defined in MathStructure) | MathStructure |